Дипломат Сезон 1(2019)



主演:亚历山大·拉扎列夫 Anna Legchilova Anna Starshenbaum Viktoriya Romanenko 鲍丽娜·库捷波娃 叶卡捷琳娜·谢苗诺娃 伊戈尔·亚苏洛维奇 斯维特拉娜·涅墨耶娃 Vladimir Guskov Sofya Evstigneeva 亚历山大·阿达巴什扬 


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Дипломат Сезон 1:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:The life of a young man with the surname Luchnikov. He is full of strength, attractive, talented, intelligent and educated person. Handsome got just brilliant skills while training for a lawyer to start working as a diplomat.
The life of a young man with the surname Luchnikov. He is full of strength, attractive, talented, intelligent and educated person. Handsome got just brilliant skills while training for a lawyer to start working as a diplomat.
