
又名:Dub Saeng Raee / 调暗瑞夫的光芒 / 陷入黑暗阳光 / 一旦日落,阳光就会跌入黑暗 / 日光落入黑暗 / 陷入黑暗光芒 / 暗光 / 陷暗阳光 / 日落之后 / After Sun Down / After Sundown / 日暮生死恋(台)


主演:普拉克·帕尼 查瓦林·佩德皮里亚旺 纳曼·克里塔尼·阿桑普拉杰 素撒·猜唷罗 帕林亚·昂萨南 鲁安格里特·西里帕尼特 Namping Napatsakorn Pingmuang Son Ravisut Patipatvasin Tao Adisorn Athakrit 

导演:班迪特·通迪 / 





Plot Summary:In 1961, Saengrawee Ramsawang lived with Luang Lung Chantakorn at a temple in Ayutthaya. Then, until he turned 21, Luang Lung Chantakorn sent him to live with his friend in Phra Nakhon. It is Sittikornkan castle, Phra Ploeng Sittikornkan's house, who now lives abroad. Until 'Sin Sae Lee' warned his parents that Phra Ploeng was about to turn twenty-five years old. If he didn't match the horoscopes with his soulmate in time, he would have life-threatening problems. The person who would be his soulmate must not be a woman, not born in Phra Nakhon. The age must not have the remainder of one At first. If they survive, they will survive together. If they are in danger, they will be in danger together. Apart from living a better life since Saengrawee moved to Sittikornkan castle, he sensed some mysterious power and he had nightmares like never before. He was also haunted by the spirit of a woman endlessly Saengrawee could feel spiteful like he would be assassinated. However, all strange events or feelings rarely happened when Saengrawee was with Phra Ploeng. Being together all the time, two people who didn't like each other began to learn and get to know each other more. Their feelings began to change and develop as days and months passed by, but the barriers to love remained. Saengrawee had been attacked by evil spirits many times. Series of strange events began to worry Phra Ploeng, who secretly fell for Saengrawee. Phra Ploeng swore to himself that... He would never let anyone harm Saengrawee ever again... He will take care of him with his life.
根据一位算命先生所言,为了解救自己的危难、爷爷的幸福,Phra Pleong不得不与Sang Rawee,一个从小被僧人养大的幸运少年订婚。   身为国外毕业的他哪会容易被包办婚姻!而他不相信算命,他要跟这个“未婚夫”商量一下,若6个月内他们的关系没有什么进展,他就得退婚!他们说好了在爷爷面前要假装琴瑟之好、平平静静地在一起,其余时间井水不犯河水,不料这样的平平静静地情绪却让他心动?虽说过永远不会把这个“未婚夫”宠上天,但一起面对危险之后,Phra Pleong就发现自己爱上了Sang Rawee,从此他发誓不会让任何人或鬼魂碰他。
