肮脏的妈妈 6(2021)


主演:妮珂莱特·谢伊 阿莉拉·费日拉 Olivia Austin 布里亚纳·班克斯 亚历克希·发克斯 里根·福克斯 布里奇特 朱莉·安妮 香奈儿·普雷斯顿 亚历山大·科维斯 

导演:妮珂莱特·谢伊 / 

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肮脏的妈妈 6:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:An ornithologist investigates reports of a monstrous new species of bird just as a teenage girl is gifted an amulet found on mysterious atoll. As the creatures begin to attack, an ancient guardian with a bond to the girl emerges.
