Jogo das Decapitações(2012)

又名:Carisma Imbecil

主演:Clarissa Kiste 马丽亚·曼诺埃拉 Sérgio Mamberti 西尔维欧·圭恩丹尼 费尔南多·阿尔文斯·品多 Juliane Elting 保罗·塞萨尔·佩雷奥 克拉丽斯·阿布让拉 Bruno Kott 安东尼奥·贝特林 Agnaldo Bueno 安娜·卡尔巴蒂 Magali Biff Renato Borghi Germano Haiut João Velho 

导演:Sergio Bianchi / Ioneide Lima / 编剧:Francis Vogner/Sergio Bianchi

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Jogo das Decapitações:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Leandro is a typical 30-year-old middle class man. He becomes obsessed with a book by Jairo Mendes called "Winter in the tropics: letters, memories and bombs".
