丛林法则La loi de la jungle(2016)

又名:Struggle for life

上映日期:2016-06-09(卡布尔电影节) / 2016-06-15(法国)片长:99分钟

主演:樊尚·马凯涅 维玛拉·庞斯 帕斯卡·雷吉蒂米 马修·阿马立克 弗雷德·托奇 罗多尔·保利 让-吕克·比多 帕斯卡·塔纳提 托马斯·德·普奎里 菲利普·劳登巴赫 

导演:安托南·佩里提亚可 / 编剧:安托南·佩里提亚可 Antonin Peretjatko/弗雷德里克·西里耶 Frédéric Ciriez



日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 丛林法则.La.loi.de.la.jungle.2016.HD720P.AAC.x264.Fren
2019-05-12 丛林法则.La.loi.de.la.jungle.2016.HD720P.X264.AAC.Fren
日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 丛林法则.La.Loi.De.La.Jungle.2016.1080P.WEBRip.DD5.1.x


Plot Summary:Marc Châtaigne (Vincent Macaigne), a trainee of the Ministry of the Standard, is entrusted with a delicate mission by the minister's cabinet director: to go to Guyana to monitor the upgrade of Guyaneige, the first indoor ski track in Amazonia. This must boost tourism. On site, he embarks on a visit to site sites to check that everything is in order. To get there, he is accompanied by Tarzan (Vimala Pons, a pretty trainee at the National Forest Office who serves as a driver. After a road accident, they get lost in the forest. Quickly, the two young people are confronted with many dangers .
2016法国电影手册十佳的第八, 故事讲的是圭亚那雨林秘境中,所催生的一段不可思议爱情。据说是一部讽刺官僚主义的癫狂喜剧片。
