电锯少女血肉之华 红血まみれスケバンチェーンソーRED(2019)


主演:浅川梨奈 志水彩乃 日高七海 替地桃子 护麻奈 尾形穂菜美 范田纱纱 椿香织 苍波纯 

导演:山口洋辉 / 编剧:福原充则 Mitsunori Fukuhara

电锯少女血肉之华 红:在线播放

电锯少女血肉之华 红:最新迅雷BT资源

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电锯少女血肉之华 红:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:There is a schoolgirl who carries her own personal chainsaw. She was attacked by a dead body who was created by her classmate one day. As such, she does not understand why she was attacked by a classmate. To find the answer she ventures into the enemy's base. There she finds out the reason for the assault.
浅川梨奈主演的一部漫改电影《电锯少女血肉之华:RED》,这部电影还分前后篇,不过是同时上映。 原著漫画作者三家本礼《电锯少女血肉之华》以前就已经拍过一次真人电影了,这位漫画家的作品也都是类似的风格,而这次算是上一部电影的续集。
