伊甸少年Eden's Bowy(1999)


主演:山口胜平 椎名碧流 菅原正志 永岛由子 辻谷耕史 成田剑 石村知子 

导演:須永司 / 编剧:十川诚志 Masashi Sogo




Plot Summary:Legend tells of how long ago God became displeased with how unjust Humanity was, and punished them for it. But eventually a human arose and defeated God, which bled fog all over the earth. New gods were born from the fog who only watched over humanity, while the God Hunter faded into the mists of legend. That is, until he was found by an ambitious nation in a young boy named Yorun. Now he is on the run with his guardian Goshizoku towards an uncertain destiny, pursued by the comical Yanuesu and the dangerous Yurugaha, inhabitants of the great island Edens which float over the earth, while quietly keeping watch over him is a young girl with her own secret.
在這個時代裡,「天上都市」流傳著一個「殺神者」的傳說,   擁有比神還要強大的力量「殺神者」,卻只是一個農村中的普通少年,   而由於天上都市覬覦其潛在力量而展開的攻擊,使少年不得不踏上旅程……
