犯罪Les chiennes(1973)

又名:Le manoir aux louves / Giochi d'amore di un'aristocratica / The Bitches


主演:Janine Reynaud Michel Lemoine 

导演:Michel Lemoine / 编剧:Jean Breton





Plot Summary:The macho adventurer, Eric offers himself as a companion for ladies. He does this because he urgently needs money for his world travels. He is summoned to come to a castle to accompany the rich, but gritty client, Viriane. She greatly appreciates his company, but the unsympathetic bourgeois lady also wants to test the physical qualities of his. However, Viriane also appears to have a sister - when the young man is interested a little too closely to her, Viriane becomes very jealous .
片 名 Les.Chiennes   年 代 1973   国 家 法国   类 别 生活 剧情   语 言 法语   字 幕 法语   片 长 83分钟   导 演 米歇尔勒莫瓦纳   主 演 珍妮雷诺 米歇尔勒莫瓦纳和Nathalie Zeiger   简介:http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0317233/   白日谦谦君子,好好先生。夜晚穿墙入室,强取豪夺。复杂关系,听不懂。看的懂。
