菲常历史Historya ni Ha(2021)

又名:The History of Ha / 玩偶哈的历史


主演:John Lloyd Cruz Teroy Guzman 

导演:拉夫·迪亚兹 / 





Plot Summary:1957. Hernando Alamada, Filipino vaudeville great and a former socialist cadre, fulfills the last leg of his performing tour on the Mayflower cruise ship. He knows that the Philippines is experiencing a bitter transition yet again; the much-loved and popular president, Ramon Magsaysay, suddenly dies in a plane crash. He arrives in his poverty-stricken barrio, his country's state and future burdening him heavily, and at the same time, a deep personal turmoil confronts him. He plods on an aimless journey. Akin to the Filipino 'bodabil', he finds himself on the gate of the theater of the absurd, a descent to burlesque, madness, to stark realities, and, ultimately, an ascent to his own redemption.
1957年,菲律賓雜耍表演大師 Hernando Alamada,在五月花號遊輪上完成了他巡演的最後一站。這位前社會主義幹部知道菲律賓將會再次經歷痛苦的轉變⸺萬人景仰的總統麥格塞塞突然死於空難。他回到貧民窟,既擔憂國家的現狀與未來,又要面臨個人的危機。此時,他決定踏上漫無目的的旅程,在荒誕的劇場中尋找救贖。近年量產的拉夫狄亞茲繼續用藝術來反思菲律賓歷史,借國家的過去理解當下的困局。
