复仇女王 墨西哥版La Reina Soy Yo(2019)


主演:Michelle Renault Lambda García Mane De La Parra 

导演:Andres Salgado / 编剧:Andres Salgado

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复仇女王 墨西哥版:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Yamelí Montoya returns to Mexico City for revenge after being wrongfully convicted in a U.S. prison for 17 years.
翻拍自哥伦比亚剧复仇女王 La reina del flow ,墨西哥本土化了些,但是人物甚至集数都和原版几乎一致。   Yamelí Montoya returns to Mexico City for revenge after being wrongfully convicted in a U.S. prison for 17 years.Remake of La reina del flow (2018)
