海盗3D秀Pirates: 3D Show(1999)

又名:Pirates 4D


主演:莱斯利·尼尔森 艾瑞克·爱都 小伊萨克·C.辛格尔顿 鲁德尼·丹泽菲尔德 

导演:Keith Melton / 





Plot Summary:Davie (Adam Wylie), a cabin boy who was betrayed and marooned by Captain Lucky (Leslie Nielsen) on Pirate Island, sets up booby traps with the help of a monkey named Chester to catch Lucky and his new crew when he returns to the island to recover a treasure he buried there. The captain, with his French first mate Pierre (Eric Idle), soon returns to recover his treasure. The pirates are caught in Davie's booby traps, including crabs, a bee hive, and a springy cactus. Pierre is caught in a trap involving pigeons, which splatter him as they fly off. After the booby traps incapacitate the pirate crew, Lucky leads Pierre into a dark cave where his treasure is hidden. Entering the cave, Pierre encounters a giant spider and flying bats, before running into the skeletons of Lucky's former crew, who were shackled to the cave's walls. Lucky menaces Pierre, but is distracted by finding his treasure chest. The captain begins caressing the chest's treasures, but discovers a booby trap which shackles him and drags him out of the cave, through the jungle and into a lake. Meanwhile, the pirate crew discovers Davie, and prepares to attack him, before Pierre shows up with the skeletons of Lucky's last crew. Lucky eventually escapes the trap, and disarms Davie in a sword fight. All return to the ship, where the crew makes Lucky walk the plank, and Davie is named as the crew's new captain. An uncredited Rodney Dangerfield makes a cameo appearance at the end.
