亨利·杜南:十字上的红Henry Dunant: Du rouge sur la croix(2006)

又名:Henry Dunant: Red on the Cross


主演:托马斯·儒阿特 艾米莉·德奎恩 Noémie Kocher 迈克尔·加拉布鲁 

导演:Dominique Othenin-Girard / 





Plot Summary:Henry Dunant, son of a Geneva francophone upper class bourgeoisie family, works for a Swiss exploitation company in French Algeria; when the colonists are thirsty, he returns determined to convince the firm and emperor Napoleon III to build a dam for them. After his Uncle, Dr. Hubert Dunant, diagnoses him not with Algerian typhus, just malaria, also his first meeting -dropping drawers in hospital for a shot- with nurse Cécile Thuillier, and meeting his careerist brother Daniel's fiancée, Léonie Bourg-Thibourg, daughter of the firm's boss, the board approves his plan. On his way to the emperor, who didn't even concede to receive him, Henry gets stuck in Castiglione, part of the Austrian province Lombardy which French troops came to 'liberate'; his Geneva friend Dr. Louis Appia saves his life by presenting him to suspicious Austrian troops as his medical assistant, and he soon gets passionate about senseless cruelties of war while helping out with what he learned from grandpa. Cécile, ...
让·亨利·杜南(Jean Henri Dunant,1828年5月8日-1910年10月30日)是瑞士商人和人道主义者,红十字会创办人,后人尊称他为“红十字会之父”。 1859年,他于出差途中目睹了索尔弗利诺战役的后果。后来,他在自己的著作《索尔弗利诺回忆录》中记录了这段经历,书中的设想最终促成了1863年红十字国际委员会的创立。 1864年的《日内瓦公约》也是以杜南的思想为基础。 1901年他和法国人弗雷德里克·帕西获得了首届诺贝尔和平奖。   这是一部虚构的电影,以亨利·杜南的人生故事为基础,表现了亨利·杜南人道主义精神和行为以及他对创立“红十字”的贡献。
