
又名:Gold Bride

主演:李英雅 宋昌义 宋宗浩 崔汝珍 金希澈 韩汝云 洪恩熙 

导演:文君日 / 编剧:朴贤珠 Hyeon-joo Park





Plot Summary:On the street of Ho Chi Minh, two people stand out in the crowd, Han-sook (Mi Sook Kim), and her sister-in-law, Gunja, who have come to Vietnam to find a kind, naive girl to marry Jun-woo. However, they can't find anyone they like, and as they are about to give up, they are approached by Jin-ju who asks them to take her instead. Han-sook likes the fact that Jin-ju's father is Korean, and decides to take Jin-ju as her daughter-in-law. However, Jin-ju, who is half-Korean half-Vietnamese, has decided to marry Jun-woo in order to find her birth father. A month later, Jin-ju, who pretends she's Korean who grew up in Guam, comes to Seoul and marries Jun-woo. Jin-ju meets Jun-woo for the first time on the day of their wedding and falls in love with him. On their wedding night, Jun-woo tells Jin-ju that he cannot love anyone. Jin-ju is heartbroken but begs him to stay with her for at least two years until she gets a green card. Jun-woo agrees to this \"contract-style\" marriage under one condition: that they do not fall in love with each other.
珍珠(李英雅 饰)在一家越南婚介公司里担任翻译的职务,生活虽然简单枯燥,但充满了快乐。在珍珠的心中,一直有一个心结无法解开,那就是她想要寻找自己失散多年远在韩国的父亲。   为了解开这个心结,珍珠决定嫁给韩国男人姜俊宇(宋昌义 饰),如此一来,她便可以名正言顺地定居韩国,实行自己的寻父计划。然而,婚姻哪是珍珠所想象的这个简单?巨大的文化差异和生活中的磕磕绊绊让珍珠感到身心俱疲,和丈夫姜俊宇之间的关系以陷入了僵局。然而,随着时间的推移,凭借着自己的坚强和善良,珍珠闯过了一个又一个难关,解决了一个又一个麻烦。最终,她能否完成自己的梦想呢?
