基尔萨诺娃夫人的秘密Тайны госпожи Кирсановой(2018)

主演:Ольга Лерман 安东·巴蒂列夫 叶夫根尼·叶夫图申科 伊莉娜·莎伊克 叶甫盖尼娅·西蒙诺娃 柳巴娃·格列什诺娃 

导演:安德烈·兹维亚金采夫 / 弗拉基米尔·纳博科夫 / 





Plot Summary:1878. Larissa Kirsanova, a young mathematics teacher, arrives in a small provincial town of Bogorodsk. Miss Kirsanov is brought here by the desire to find her fiancé, a young nobleman Pavel Bestuzhev, who mysteriously disappeared the day before their wedding, without saying goodbye or even leaving a letter. Pavel comes from Bogorodsk, where there only his old mother remained of his relatives. Larissa's favorite aunt, Lizaveta Prokofyevna, also lives here. Meanwhile, veterans of the Russian-Turkish war return war from the Balkans after the war's end. The whole town rejoices when meeting the heroes. On her arrival in the province, Larisa has no clue of a completely different type of life awaiting for her here, where her amazing abilities, intelligence and character will be fully revealed. From now on, her life will be full of mysteries, risk and disclosure of high-profile crimes.
1878. 拉丽萨-德米特里耶芙娜-基尔萨诺娃(Larisa Dmitrievna Kirsanova)是一位年轻的数学教师,她来到了波哥罗茨克小镇。基尔萨诺娃女士来到这里,是为了寻找她的未婚夫--年轻的贵族帕维尔-贝斯图热夫,后者在婚礼前一天神秘失踪,没有道别,甚至没有留下一封信。帕维尔来自波哥罗茨克,那里只剩下他的老母亲。拉丽莎最喜欢的姨妈丽扎维塔-普罗科菲耶夫娜也住在那里。与此同时,俄土战争结束后,参加战斗的士兵从巴尔干半岛返回。全城欢欣鼓舞,欢迎英雄们的到来!拉丽萨-德米特里耶芙娜到达该省后,还没有意识到完全不同的生活在等着她,她惊人的能力、智慧和性格将在这种生活中得到充分展现。从现在起,她的生活将充满神秘、风险和破获大案要案.....!
