Justine: A Midsummer Night's Dream(1997)

又名:Justine: Sueño de una noche de verano

主演:Daneen Boone Timothy Di Pri Ashlie Rhey 

导演:David Cove / 编剧:Thomas Roberdeau

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Justine: A Midsummer Night's Dream:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Justine is a precocious teenage student and Professor Robson is a facility member at the Topacre Academy for gifted young girls. Justine along with several of the other girls are infatuated with the be-speckled but handsome Professor. Justine, who is ostensibly a virgin, and the Professor seem to get dragged into one international quest after another and while Justine manages, to her chagrin, (she desires to be deflowered by the Professor) to remain innocent, her dreams and fantasies do not.
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