库拉乌 幻之记忆KURAU Phantom Memory(2004)

主演:川澄绫子 小林美佐 小形满 甲斐田裕子 志村知幸 一城美由希 岛本须美 津村真琴 稻叶实 飞田展男 野岛昭生 立木文彦 古泽彻 

导演:入江泰浩 / 迫井政行 / 安田贤司 / 阿保孝雄 / 太田雅彦 / 佐藤育郎 / 森邦宏 / 笹木信作 / 森山雄治 / 武井良幸 / 中川聪 / 平田丰 / 鸟羽聪 / 北村真咲 / 粟井重纪 / 

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库拉乌 幻之记忆:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:It's the year 2100, and the moon is now home to a colony of scientists and pioneers. It's also host to dangerous experiments into strange new forms of energy, and it isn't long before one of them goes terribly wrong. In a freak accident young Kurau, the daughter of chief scientist Amami So, is struck by mysterious twin bolts of light. Rather than taking her life, the accident leaves her playing host to two mysterious entities that give her fantastic powers...and little love for the human race.
