哭泣杀神4 雄首冬狱Crying フリーマン 4(1991)

又名:泪眼煞星 crying freeman


主演:古川登志夫 片石千春 屋良有作 永井一郎 大友龙三郎 胜生真沙子 榊原良子 田中一成 

导演:山内重保 / 编剧:池上辽一 Ryoichi Ikegami

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哭泣杀神4 雄首冬狱:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Naitai, the evil head of the Great Bear God religion, hatches a plot to destroy the 108 Dragons. His henchman, Oshu Togoku, the world wrestling champion, squeezes Ron Tayan unconscious in a match; the ambulance taking Ron to hospital is actually driven by Kimie, one of Ron's old enemies. She takes him to Naitai's stronghold where he has prepared a clone of Ron whom he intends to send, like a Trojan horse, onto the yacht of the 108 Dragons. Can Ron foil the plot? Will Fu recognize the clone or be fooled? What of Oshu Togoku, can anyone defeat him? And who, or what, can stand up to Naitai's sorcery?
