律政精英Code of Law(2012)

主演:Fauzie Laily 白薇秀 基根·康 冯推守 Mathi Alagan Sharon Ismail 

导演:吕吉元 / 





Plot Summary:This fourth season of Code of Law will see more hard-hitting and headline cases of brutal or heinous crimes that shocked Singapore. Lawyers Jacob Fernandez (Keagan Kang), Stephanie Szeto (Shu An Oon) and Sanjay Devaraj (Jitenram Kiran Bala), along with Razali Hamzah (Fauzie Laily), Nick Han (Sunny Pang) and Audrey Soh (Sharon Ismail) from the police force, will race against time to solve crimes and bring the perpetrators to justice. Amidst the challenging new cases, a captivating serial killer, Derek Ho (Desmond Tan), emerges. Derek Ho leads a double life. A suave and charming high-flying banker by day and by night, a murderer with an abnormal psychological gratification for killing. He is introduced to Stephanie and soon, the two are dating. As their relationship develops, the plot thickens as danger looms.
“律政精英”是一个强档新剧,为观众提供了解新加坡刑事司法系统的视角。      每个星期,一队调查人员必须争分夺秒的来解决一个看似残酷的令人发指的罪行,将犯罪者绳之于法。然后,在城里最好的刑事律师团队发挥最强能力将该被告控上法庭。   很多时候,世事难料。      本剧的灵感来自现实生活中,“律政精英”也显示了人性化的一面的人谁是系统的一部分,警察,律师,被告自己都是
