魔弹之王与战姬迷你角色剧场:堤格尔君与战姬亲魔弾の王と戦姫 ミニキャラ劇場 ティグルくんとヴァナディーちゅ(2014)

又名:Madan no Ou to Senki (Vanadis) Mini Chara Gekijo: Tigre-kun to Vanadi-chu / Lord Marksman and Vanadis Mini Chara Gekijo: Tigre-kun and Vanadi-chu

主演:石川界人 户松遥 井口裕香 

导演:芦名みのる / 





Plot Summary:In conjunction with the anime adaptation of "Lord Marksman and Vanadis" a weekly mini series called Tigre and Vanadish was created. Tigre and Vanadish is 2D animated with chibi sized characters that play out short segments of the light novel that were edited out of the anime. Release with the Blu-ray volumes of "Lord Marksman and Vanadish" the Tigre and Vanadish mini-series and other bonus material were included. (Credit to Wikipedia)
