


主演:爱染恭子 诹访太朗 友田真希 

导演:金田敬 / 编剧:団鬼六/福原彰



日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 奴L船-HD720高清日语中字.mp4
日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 (中文字幕)奴隶船
2019-05-12 (中文字幕)奴隶船



Plot Summary:S&M novelist Kan Onimata hosts the 'Onimen-nokai', a get-together of S&M freaks. In these gatherings, the group boards a Japanese party ship they call the Slave Ship, where they auction each other's sex slaves. Onimata sometimes goes out to the Umezu Hot Spring Inn in Itoh. Kikue, the madam of the inn had been auctioned several times on the Slave Ship before. Onimata one day visits the Umezu Inn alone, only to find that Kikue is not there. According to Kikue's husband, she has been driven insane by a young man, Kitagawa, who had been stalking her. Kikue is much older than him, but Kitagawa was so attracted that he couldn't fight the urge to stalk her. Although taken aback by all of this, Onimata cannot resist his curiosity to know more about Kitagawa, and goes to Kitagawa's café to find out the truth. Onimata is dumbfounded at what he hears - an obsessive world of abnormal sexual desires.
静谧的东京湾,几点星火,诗情画意。只是这浓稠的黑暗之下,隐藏着多少欲望和秘密。海面上漂浮着一艘毫不起眼的小船,船上正进行着燥热的狂欢。在这艘被称为奴隶船的小舟上,来自各界身份显赫的男人们尽情宣泄着体内的欲望,其中包括官能小说家鬼又贯(諏訪太朗 饰)。他曾在此邂逅美丽的菊江(愛染恭子 饰),并维持了长达两年的情人关系。此后菊江嫁给伊豆半岛梅津温泉旅馆的老板梅津善三郎,两人从此没有联系。因偶然目睹秘书兼情人与别人偷欢,鬼友负气出走,再次来到梅津温泉旅馆,却得知菊江长期被人跟踪,精神几近崩溃…… 本片为爱染恭子隐退之作。©豆瓣
