破碎却美丽 第二季Broken But Beautiful(2019)

主演:Pooja Bhamrrah Jitin Gulati Vikrant Massey 

导演:Harsh Dedhia / 

破碎却美丽 第二季:在线播放

破碎却美丽 第二季:最新迅雷BT资源

破碎却美丽 第二季:最新字幕下载

破碎却美丽 第二季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:The third season is the story of Agastya Rao and Rumi Desai--two people from very different worlds. Not only are their worlds poles apart, they are also a complete contrast to each other. He is a struggling artist, she is a poor little rich girl. But unfortunately opposites attract. Agy and Rumi both knew what they wanted, but not what they needed. Eventually, they both experience love and heartbreak. Love came looking for them, when they were chasing their own personal obsessions. And their journey comes full-circle when they both realize that it is harder to fall out of love than to fall into it.
