The 5 Mrs. Buchanans


主演:朱迪思·爱薇 贝斯·布罗德里克 哈里特·桑塞姆·哈里斯 


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The 5 Mrs. Buchanans:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Set in fictional Mercy, Indiana, this comedy centers around four completely different women who have only two connections to each other: they each are married to a Buchanan boy, and they each cannot stand their mother-in-law. Alex, married to Roy, is a Jewish feminist from New York City. Vivian, married to Ed, is a frumpy Hoosier housewife with two children from hell, twins Lyndon and P.J. Delilah, married to preacher Charles, is a somewhat ditzy former stripper from Corpus Christi, Texas. Bree, newly married to Jesse, is a perky Californian who used to work with her mother. They constantly are trading barbs with the cruel but hilarious Mother Buchanan, who tries as hard as she can to make their lives a living hell through meddling and manipulating, her two specialties.
Four sisters-in-law struggle to deal with small town life and their overbearing mother-in-law.
