Warum Du schöne Augen hast(2008)


主演:茱莉亚·迭泽 Holm Gärtner Patrick Hanbaba Frank Jacob Natalie Krane 戴维·马斯特森 Luise Tabea von Cossart Claudius von Stolzmann 因格拉班·冯·斯托兹曼 Elisabeth Weber Alexander Weise Andreas Wilcke Laila Maria Witt Julia Zimth 

导演:Yannis Banuls / 

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Warum Du schöne Augen hast:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:In a surreal world, where love lasts forever and death only in the end credits, in which no conversations are held, but only dialogues, in which one has to justify one's moral responsibility neither to God nor to oneself.
