

主演:Venezuelan Brass Ensemble Thomas Clamor 

导演:Michael Beyer / 





Plot Summary:EuroArts presents a veritable fireworks display of ambitious pieces for brass orchestra recently performed by a colourful and fascinating young ensemble in Berlin's prestigious Konzerthaus at the Gendarmenmarkt in the heart of the city. The Venezuelan Brass Ensemble is a highly-acclaimed group with nearly 50 young brass and percussion players drawn from the extraordinary Simon Bolivar Youth Orchestra of Venezuela. The South American country has one of the most admired and amazingly effective music school systems in the world. Almost all children from the age of 2 get free music lessons in their neighbourhood. They learn to play in ensembles as soon as they can master their instruments. This so-called \"sistema\" enables most of the poor children in Venezuela to have a focus in life apart from being clothed and fed - thus fighting poverty-related problems at the roots. The results are astonishing, the ensemble playing is near perfect and the \"sistema\" has brought forth internationally successful musicians like the conductor Gustavo Dudamel. The repertoire of the Venezuelan Brass Ensemble is impressively varied and testifies to the high standard of this young ensemble. With their blend of classical and South American repertoire, these 50 youngsters not only bring audiences to their feet, but demonstrate with a scintillating display of brass music a virtuosity and passion that is nothing short of awesome.
委内瑞拉铜管乐团和西蒙·玻利瓦尔青年交响乐团一样,脱胎于“音乐救助系统”——El Sistema,它拥有五十多名一流铜管乐手和打击乐手,曲目以拉美管乐作品为特色。2007年9月4日在柏林音乐厅的这场音乐会,乐团以高超技巧演奏了穆索尔斯基的《图画展览会》(管乐版)以及令人击节赞叹的拉丁美洲铜管音乐。
