
又名:手车夫之恋(港) / 无法阿松的一生 / The Rickshaw Man


主演:三船敏郎 芥川比吕志 高峰秀子 笠智众 松本薫 饭田蝶子 

导演:稻垣浩 / 编剧:稻垣浩/伊丹万作/岩下俊作



日期 资源名称
2022-11-20 the.rickshaw.man.1958.japanese.1080p.amzn.webrip.d
日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 Muhomatsu The Rickshaw Man (1958) DVDRip
2019-05-12 Muhomatsu no issho aka The Rickshaw Man
2019-05-10 Muhomatsu no issho - The Rickshaw Man 1958AVI


Plot Summary:In the turn of the Twentieth Century, the rickshaw driver Matsugoro "Matsu" is a happy man and a troublemaker well-known by everyone in his village. One day, Matsu sees an injured boy, Toshio, and brings him home. His mother Yoshiko Yoshioka asks Matsuo to take the boy to the doctor and then her husband Capt. Kotaro Yoshioka asks her to reward Matsu. However the rickshaw man refuses the money and becomes a friend of the family. When Kotaro unexpectedly dies, Matsuo helps Yoshiko to raise her son. Soon he falls in love with her, but he does not dare to open his heart to Yoshiko since they belong to different social classes.
明治时期,生活在九州小仓的人力车夫松五郎(三船敏郎 饰)是一个粗鲁豪爽的率性男儿,虽然经常惹是生非,但他诚实正直的性格受到当地许多人的喜爱,更被人称为小仓的名产“无法松”。   某天,松五郎救助了陆军少尉吉冈小太郎(芥川比吕志 饰)的儿子敏雄(松本薫 饰),借此机缘,他成为吉冈家的座上宾。但不久小太郎偶感风寒去世,其妻良子(高峰秀子 饰)不得以要独立抚养儿子长大。松五郎感念吉冈家的知遇之恩,经常帮助母子处理家中繁务。良子对此感激不尽,敏雄也从一个爱哭鬼成长为开朗健康的男子汉……   本片根据岩下俊作同名小说改编,先后数次被搬上银幕,并被改编成演剧,1958年版的《无法松的一生》荣获当年威尼斯国际电影节金狮奖。
