
又名:欢迎光临,今日温泉 / 欢迎光临今日温泉旅馆 / 台北爱情捷运系列电影 / Welcome to Happy Days


主演:柯佳嬿 周厚安 吕雪凤 陈淑芳 蔡明修 莫允雯 米七偶 高盟杰 

导演:林孝谦 / 编剧:林孝谦 Hsiao Chien Lin/吕安弦 Lungshi Lü





Plot Summary:HAPPY DAYS is a hot springs hotel in Taipei, the Xinbeitou area. In this area, people can see many historical buildings and elements which are full of Japanese heritage due to the Japanese colonialization before world war two(WWII). HAPPY DAYS hotel was also founded around 1970s by the protagonist: Fan-Ju's grandmother, Shu-Min, who has run the hotel for decades. However, "Welcome to the HAPPY DAYS," a once vibrant slogan, is nowadays the last and feeble greeting of this old hotel that still remains. Unfortunately, Grandma Shu-Min breaks her legs and is hospitalized, nobody, not even her granddaughter FanJu can run this hotel and bring it back to life. Not until a mysterious young American : Allen, who shows up at the door one day and volunteers to work at the hotel. Can a Taiwanese girl and a foreigner revive HAPPY DAYS? Can they face the challenges of running a hotel and while discovering Grandma Shu-Min's secret hidden in the hotel? With a touch of sulfur, love and friendship ...
瘋狂愛情喜劇,柯佳嬿飾演溫泉旅館的第三代女主人,為了搶救日益衰敗的旅館生意,她決定下海經營,在周厚安飾演的外國打工仔和廚師、阿桑等夥伴的協助下,一連串突發奇想的瘋狂行動重振溫泉旅館的新生命。   【五星級魚干女】是「台北愛情捷運」系列之一,林孝謙打造了繽紛懷舊的日式旅館,他表示「這間旅館象徵台灣土地,有本土、日本、美國等不同文化衝擊,柯佳嬿就像新一代的台灣人,熱情積極面對各種挑戰....
