小东尼Kleine Teun(1998)


主演:亚历斯·冯·华麦丹 Annet Malherbe 

导演:亚历斯·冯·华麦丹 / 编剧:亚历斯·冯·华麦丹 Alex van Warmerdam




Plot Summary:Farmer Brand can't read and he is quite happy with that. His wife, Keet, who has to read him all the subtitles on the television, isn't. She decides to hire a teacher for him. This is a beautiful young woman, called Lena. Brand falls in love with her. To his puzzlement and dismay Keet encourages him, because as she says she doesn't want a husband with another woman in his head. She wants their love to grow stale. She also wants Lena to give Brand and her a son. The love between Brand and Lena does not grow stale easily and after the birth of little Teun, their strange menage a trois comes to a dramatic conclusion.
目不识丁的农夫垂涎年青女教师,一边上学,一边种出爱苗。无奈农夫的老婆把一切看在眼里,在万分嫉妒及怨愤之余,她心生一计,实行刻意让女教师横刀夺爱,然后好戏尽在后头…   这部黑色喜剧中。描绘着.杂三角关.所衍生出来的迷惑与不顾一切,影片峰.路转,如果你预期它左转,它就会右转,这是剧本内涵的无穷魔力。   1998年法国影展,1998年拿坡里影展,1998年卢卡诺影展参展影片
