


主演:瑞恩 陈罗密欧 林慧玲 张振寰 方伟杰 马艺瑄 袁帅 郭亮 宋怡霏 黄炯耀 陈天文 姚玟隆 钟证祥 胡佳琪 郑各评 蔡琦慧 叶世品 

导演:梁来玲 / 





Plot Summary:A tragic accident violently rocks the lives of four lawyers - Fang Qi Liang (Romeo Tan), Cheng Chu Ning (Rui En), Guo Wei Qian (Rebecca Lim) and Sun Da Lun (Zhen Huan Zhang) - and they find their destinies intertwining in a way that none of them can ever imagine. When Qi Liang and Chu Ning coincidentally meet in an overseas café, they are inexplicably attracted to each other and make a vow to always be together. Sadly, their relationship starts to crumble when the accident robs Qi Liang of his mobility. This causes their romance to be marred by disappointments and misunderstandings. Meanwhile, Gao Wei Qian's father is fatally injured in the same accident. He manages to convey his last words to her with the help of Sun Da Lun, who happened to be in the vicinity of the accident. As a result, Da Lun missed the opportunity of a promising career at a law firm and become Chu Ning's assistant instead. Bound together by the same unfortunate circumstances, Wei Qian wavers between love and hate while Da Lun eventually realises that he is able to give up everything for Wei Qian's sake.
一场车祸改变了4个律师的人生,但它究竟是一场意外,还是更大的阴谋?有人就此双脚瘫痪,有人失去了父亲,有人逐渐失忆,连爱情也渐渐离去,有人则为爱情义无反顾......   养眼的卡司和悬疑的剧请应能引起不少兴趣,但演员阵容和《微笑正义》类似,是否能擦出新的火花才是重点。
