双脑人The Man with Two Brains(1983)

又名:电脑怪人 / 换脑怪客


主演:史蒂夫·马丁 凯瑟琳·特纳 大卫·沃纳 茜茜·斯派塞克 

导演:卡尔·雷纳 / 编剧:卡尔·雷纳 Carl Reiner/George Gipe/史蒂夫·马丁 Steve Martin


Plot Summary:Recently widowed Doctor Michael Hfuhruhurr, the world's greatest neurosurgeon, injures Dolores Benedict in a car accident. He operates on her and saves her life using a technique of his own invention: cranial screw-top brain entry. As Benedict recovers, Hfuhruhurr falls in love with her and they are soon married. However, Benedict is only interested in Hfuhruhurr's money and Hfuhruhurr still yearns for his previous wife. They travel to Vienna to attend a medical conference where Hfuhruhurr finally divorces Dolores, meets a mysterious Doctor Alfred Necessiter and becomes entangled in a series of murders committed by The Elevator Killer.


大奇特(Grinch) • 一部灰常2的好电影:B级科幻+无厘头喜剧!
