"This strain is so similar to Ebola Zaire, a small change we don't understand in a genetic code we can't comprehened. It's maybe all that saved us, but we won't be that lucky forever. And you know who gets it first ? Caregivers. A nurse spreads it from one patient to the next and when she falls ill, her husband and her child tends to her. The Ebola virus spreads when we show eath other love, kindness and affection. When we're most human we have to stop reacting to virus outbreak after they flare up and instead plan for it, because there will be another Ebola outbreak and we are not prepared. We do need stronger surveillance networks and we need to partner with other countries around the world to stay in front of another outbreak. This outbreak is a warming, we can choose to ignore it or we can face the future with eyes wide open.
The emergency of Ebola, HIV and any number of hot agents appears to be natural consequence of humanity encroaching on previously undisturbed environments. You might say the earth's immune system has recognized the presence of its most destructive pathogen-Humans. Emerging virus continue to mutate and survive, even when faced with the destruction of their natural environment. A nd when they return, they are stronger than they were before.
As we defrest these viruses' homes, wipe out their reservoir hosts, they need a new one to spill over into - us. Virus have been around for billions of years because they are smart. The Ebola virus feeds and then it retreats back into the shadows where it learns and mutates. Believe me when I tell you this monster will be back again and we need to be ready."

血疫 第一季The Hot Zone(2019)

又名:埃博拉浩劫 / 伊波拉浩劫(台) / 热点地区 / 高危地带 / 血疫 : 埃博拉的故事

主演:朱丽安娜· / 玛格丽丝 / 诺亚·艾默里奇 / 利亚姆·坎宁安 / 托弗·戈瑞斯 / 詹姆斯·达西 / 保罗·詹姆斯 / 尼克·瑟西 / 罗伯特·维斯多姆 / 罗伯特·肖恩·莱纳德 / 马克·凯利 / 兰尼·普拉特 / 安娜·尼奥斯基 / 劳伦·科林斯 / 萝丝玛丽·邓斯莫尔 / 鲍比·莫雷诺 / 查克·沙曼塔 / 乔·瓦兹 / 布雷丹·贝塞尔 / 格蕾丝·古默 / 艾登·格伦 / 利比·奥斯勒 / 丽莎·张 / 克拉克·巴茨科 / 博杭·莫科 / 

导演:迈克尔·乌彭达尔 / 编剧:詹姆士·V·哈特 James V. Hart/杰夫·温塔 Jeff Vintar

血疫 第一季相关影评
