
Gyominaum • 血疫 第一季:Ebola

How does a virus like this just come out of nowhere?
It wasn't nowhere.
There's been viruses in pigs, bats, monkeys, for thousands of years.
But when you cut down their homes, and they die off, the monsters got to hide somewhere.
It's the perfect killer.
Isolation is the only thing that stops this thing spreading.

The emergence of HIV, Ebola, and any number of hot agents, appears to be a natural consequence...of humanity encroaching on previously undisturbed environments.
You might say the Earth's immune system has recognized the presence of its most destructive pathogen.

Some will leave us.But some will stay.
Someone will always survive.
That's why we are still here.
Someone always survives.

When they return, they're stronger than they were before.
So we have to be more stronger and always make prepare for it.

血疫 第一季The Hot Zone(2019)

又名:埃博拉浩劫 / 伊波拉浩劫(台) / 热点地区 / 高危地带 / 血疫 : 埃博拉的故事

主演:朱丽安娜· 玛格丽丝 Julianna Margulies/诺亚·艾默里奇 Noah Emmerich/利亚姆·坎宁安 Liam Cunningham/托弗·戈瑞斯 Topher Grace/詹姆斯·达西 James D'Arcy/保罗·詹姆斯 Paul James/尼克·西塞 Nick Searcy/罗伯特·维斯多姆 Robert Wisdom/罗伯特·肖恩·莱纳德 Robert Sean Leonard/马克·凯利 Mark Kelly/兰尼·普拉特 Lenny Platt/安娜·尼奥斯基 Anna Pniowsky/劳伦·科林斯 Lauren Collins/萝丝玛丽·邓斯莫尔 Rosemary Dunsmore/鲍比·莫雷诺 Bobby Moreno/查克·沙曼塔 Chuck Shamata/乔·瓦兹 Joe Vaz/布雷丹·贝塞尔 Brendan Beiser/格蕾丝·古默 Grace Gummer/艾登·格伦 Aiden Glenn/利比·奥斯勒 Libby Osler/丽莎·张 Lisa Truong/克拉克·巴茨科 Clark Backo/博杭·莫科 Bohang Moeko

导演:迈克尔·乌彭达尔 Michael Uppendahl编剧:詹姆士·V·哈特 James V. Hart/杰夫·温塔 Jeff Vintar

血疫 第一季相关影评
